
SEC Whistleblower Lawyer Blog


SEC Awards $5.5 Million to Whistleblower

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) announced an award of more than $5.5 million to a whistleblower who provided pertinent information that helped the SEC uncover an ongoing scheme on January 6, 2017. According to the SEC’s order, the whistleblower was employed at the company involved in the wrongdoing. …


Proposed CFTC Rules Might Make It Easier for Whistleblowers to Inform the Government About Commodities Fraud

The regulatory agency has requested public comment on proposed amendments The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the independent US government agency that regulates futures and options markets, has requested public comment on proposed amendments to their rules regarding whistleblowers. Specifically, the changes are intended to streamline the process for whistleblowers…


SEC Awards $3.5 Million to Whistleblower

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC’) announced on December 5, 2016 that it had awarded a whistleblower approximately $3.5 million for coming forward with information that led to an SEC enforcement action. The $3.5 million whistleblower award brings the total amount awarded to whistleblowers to $135 million to 36…


SEC Orders Half-million Dollar Penalty for Firing Whistleblower

On September 29, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) announced that casino-gaming company International Game Technology (“IGT”) agreed to pay a $500,000 penalty for firing an employee who reported to senior management and the SEC that the company’s financial statements might be distorted. The whistleblower retaliation case is…


Anheuser-Busch InBev Pays $6 Million to Settle Charges that is Violated Whistleblower Protection Laws

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced on September 28, 2016 that Anheuser-Busch InBev agreed to pay $6 million to settle charges that the company violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and attempted to silence a whistleblower who reported the misconduct. An SEC investigation found that the company used third-party…


SEC Issues $4 Million Whistleblower Award; Program Surpasses $111 Million Total Awards

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced on September 20, 2016 an award of over $4 million to a whistleblower.  The whistleblower’s original information alerted the SEC to a fraud. The SEC whistleblower program was established by Congress in 2011 to incentivize whistleblowers with specific, timely and credible information about federal…


Insider Whistleblowers in the Financial Advice Sector Set to Increase

Insiders in the investment advice sector are starting to grow bolder and start a trend of notifying the SEC of bad-acting firms and principals. On August 30, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced another whistleblower award in the amount of more than $22 million.  The amount is the second-largest…

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