Whistleblowers help maintain the integrity and fairness of U.S. financial markets. They are a vital watchdog and play an essential role in the securities markets. The whistleblower process can be vigorous and draining and comes with risk. Once a whistleblower decides to take a moral stand on what is right,…
SEC Whistleblower Lawyer Blog
Government Agencies Regulating Securities & Investment Fraud
Several agencies are involved in regulating the securities industry and enforcing laws governing investment fraud. Each agency has its own staff and set of rules. Our securities & investment fraud lawyers will help you determine the best place to file your whistleblower claim. The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). The…
The Vital Role Of Informed And Experienced Counsel In Whistleblower Situations
Whistleblowers should proceed from the very start—as soon as they suspect something is amiss—with the strategic guidance, support, and watchful eye of experienced counsel. The whistleblower path is fraught with difficulty and decision-making that cannot be done without the right attorneys to help. For example: Whistleblowers need counsel to help…
SEC Awards Two Whistleblowers More Than $15M In Bounties
The SEC has announced its latest whistleblower awards for two individuals in the same case. The first whistleblower received a bounty of more than $12.5 million after alerting the SEC to an ongoing fraudulent scheme. As a result, SEC staff initiated an investigation and the whistleblower offered continued support to…
Related Action Leads To An SEC Bounty Of $2M For One Whistleblower
A whistleblower whose original information led to an investigation by the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has also received a bounty of $2M from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Recent amendments to the whistleblower rules mean that DOJ actions, such as deferred and non-prosecution agreements, are now subject…
CFTC Whistleblower Earns Record $200M Award For Providing Information
The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced that almost $200 million was awarded to a whistleblower who provided information that contributed to an open investigation and led to successful actions by the CFTC, another U.S. federal regulator, and a foreign regulator. A press release from the CFTC stated that the…
Retaliation—Understanding What It Is And Why It’s Such An Important Issue To The SEC
Let me be clear: Retaliation protections are a key component of the whistleblower program, and we will bring charges against companies or individuals who violate the anti-retaliation protections when appropriate. —Jay Clayton, Former Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission It’s axiomatic that whistleblowing only works if people are willing to come…
Can An Employment Agreement Allow Your Firm to Retaliate? (No)
Suppose you’re aware of violations of securities laws at your place of employment but you are concerned that an employment agreement may prevent you from becoming a whistleblower. In that case, it’s always best to consult with an attorney. The securities whistleblower attorneys at the Law Firm of David R.…
Key Cases On SEC Retaliation Claims
The Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) has been awarding millions of dollars to whistleblowers in recent years—and the Commission has been awarding larger bonuses, more frequently. In the first decade of the SEC whistleblowing program, it had awarded $942 million to whistleblowers—but more than a third of that—$380 million—was given…
Managing Anger Toward Wall Street’s Bad Actors
While some whistleblowers experience guilt, others are struggling with anger. Frequently, those who submit a whistleblower complaint to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have been wronged. This wrongdoing may manifest financially, emotionally, or both. Importantly, the SEC does its part to incentivize whistleblowers by offering the opportunity to financially…