
SEC Whistleblower Lawyer Blog


Your Identity As A Whistleblower Has Been Publicly Revealed: What Now?

Of those who provide tips to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) whistleblowing program, an estimated 20% are anonymous when they submit their information. And the SEC is required to keep whistleblowers’ information confidential. But what if you submitted the information anonymously, and your identity became known? The main thing…


Does It Impact A Whistleblowing Complaint If You And A Colleague Come Forward Together?

Perhaps one of the most difficult parts of becoming a whistleblower is feeling alone when you go against your company. But what if you and another colleague both decide to go to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and become joint whistleblowers? How does that change the equation? You and…


If You Were Complicit In Some Wrongdoing, Does That Impact Your Role As An SEC Whistleblower?

One question many whistleblowers worry about: What if their whistleblowing uncovers their own participation in the wrongdoing? And if it does so, how might that impact their liability and eligibility for an award? Some culpability is not an automatic bar from a securities whistleblower award. The Securities and Exchange Commission…


If The Bad Actions Took Place Overseas, Does that Affect An SEC Whistleblowing Report?

If you are considering filing a whistleblowing report with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), you might wonder if the SEC program covers violations that take place abroad. The short answer is: Probably, but it depends. As a starting point, it’s worth noting that there is no requirement…


Not All Frauds Are Ponzi Schemes: Sometimes They’re Just Stealing The Money

If you hear the phrase “Ponzi scheme,” you may immediately think of Bernie Madoff’s $68 billion 20-year long fraud exposed in 2008. But there have been many high-profile Ponzi schemes since. Just in February 2022, film actor Zachary Horwitz was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his Hollywood-based Ponzi…


SEC Awards Four Whistleblowers A $3.5M Bounty

The SEC announced another whistleblower bounty that paid nearly $3.5 million to four individuals. Jointly, three whistleblowers provided information to the SEC that led to the staff opening an investigation. The investigation led to a successful enforcement action by the SEC. Additionally, that information and investigation led to another agency…


CFTC Whistleblower Award – April 2022

The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) recently awarded a bounty of $10 million to a whistleblower who offered original information voluntarily. The information led to the opening of an investigation and a subsequent successful enforcement action. According to the order, the individual provided the information properly via a Form TCR…

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